Today I'm going to test the Arduino things with my zero knowledge on electronic part. It is indeed a big challenge for me! Pray hard and hope that the sensors and Arduino board won't burn >.< ! I feel excited, yet Chuak!(means afraid)... Lets getting start!
First, install the Arduino software in my PC. This stage already make me chuak! I saw the troubleshooting in Arduino website saying that driver doesn't install in Windows 7 64-bit!!! I've spent some time in research how to install driver in my PC and luckily, I've found the new update driver that can be installed! Else I'll have to format my PC @@!
This is the software use to write the program and upload to board:
After that, I randomly pick one tutorial to testing the board whether function or not. I've picked the tutorial to make the LED light and fade out. Here is the basic arrangement of the testing:
This is the code to make it work:
First try... Second try... OMG the LED won't light up! I've gone through some forum online and my hard work finally pay off! Readjust the setting and wohoo! It shine!
This is only the first step. I'll test with other sensor in upcoming days.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Drum Sound
Here is the drum sound that will be played while user steps on the board:
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Randomize Color
I've go through some tutorial online and I've found the random color display code that will be using in my installation effect. Here are the code:
myColor = Math.round( Math.random()*0xFFFFFF );
myColoredObject = new Color (_root.effect);
The tutorial effect:
The color splashing sample that will be used in the installation:
myColor = Math.round( Math.random()*0xFFFFFF );
myColoredObject = new Color (_root.effect);
The tutorial effect:
The color splashing sample that will be used in the installation:
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Motion Tracking
I've download a motion tracking tutorial from the link below:
Before that I've get a motion tracking tutorial copy also from lecturer. I want to compare 2 version on the sensitivity in tracking body movement. Below are the original code from the tutorial:
* MotionTrackerDemo
* @version 1.00 | Apr 2, 2008
* @author Justin Windle
* I'm using Grant Skinners fantastic ColorMatrix class:
* And Keith Peters Minimal Components:
import com.bit101.components.Label;
import com.bit101.components.Slider;
import com.gskinner.geom.ColorMatrix;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
* MotionTrackerDemo
[SWF(width="870", height="420", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF", frameRate="31")]
public class MotionTrackerDemo extends Sprite
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
private var _motionTracker : MotionTracker;
private var _target : Shape;
private var _bounds : Shape;
private var _output : Bitmap;
private var _source : Bitmap;
private var _video : BitmapData;
private var _matrix : ColorMatrix;
private var _blurLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _brightnessLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _contrastLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _minAreaLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _blurSlider : Slider = new Slider();
private var _brightnessSlider : Slider = new Slider();
private var _contrastSlider : Slider = new Slider();
private var _minAreaSlider : Slider = new Slider();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
public function MotionTrackerDemo()
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
private function configureUI() : void
_blurSlider.minimum = 0;
_blurSlider.maximum = 40;
_brightnessSlider.minimum = -100;
_brightnessSlider.maximum = 100;
_contrastSlider.minimum = -100;
_contrastSlider.maximum = 200;
_minAreaSlider.minimum = 0;
_minAreaSlider.maximum = 50;
_blurSlider.x = _blurLabel.x = 10;
_blurSlider.y = stage.stageHeight - 20;
_blurLabel.y = _blurSlider.y - 20;
_brightnessSlider.x = _brightnessLabel.x = _blurSlider.x + 110;
_brightnessSlider.y = _blurSlider.y;
_brightnessLabel.y = _brightnessSlider.y - 20;
_contrastSlider.x = _contrastLabel.x = _brightnessSlider.x + 110;
_contrastSlider.y = _blurSlider.y;
_contrastLabel.y = _contrastSlider.y - 20;
_minAreaSlider.x = _minAreaLabel.x = _contrastSlider.x + 110;
_minAreaSlider.y = _blurSlider.y;
_minAreaLabel.y = _minAreaSlider.y - 20;
private function initTracking() : void
var camW : int = 420;
var camH : int = 320;
// Create the camera
var cam : Camera = Camera.getCamera();
cam.setMode(camW, camH, stage.frameRate);
// Create a video
var vid : Video = new Video(camW, camH);
// Create the Motion Tracker
_motionTracker = new MotionTracker(vid);
// We flip the input as we want a mirror image
_motionTracker.flipInput = true;
/*** Create a few things to help us visualise what the MotionTracker is doing... ***/
_matrix = new ColorMatrix();
_matrix.brightness = _motionTracker.brightness;
_matrix.contrast = _motionTracker.contrast;
// Display the camera input with the same filters (minus the blur) as the MotionTracker is using
_video = new BitmapData(camW, camH, false, 0);
_source = new Bitmap(_video);
_source.scaleX = -1;
_source.x = 10 + camW;
_source.y = 10;
_source.filters = [new ColorMatrixFilter(_matrix.toArray())];
// Show the image the MotionTracker is processing and using to track
_output = new Bitmap(_motionTracker.trackingImage);
_output.x = camW + 20;
_output.y = 10;
// A shape to represent the tracking point
_target = new Shape();, 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 10);
// A box to represent the activity area
_bounds = new Shape();
_bounds.x = _output.x;
_bounds.y = _output.y;
// Configure the UI
_blurSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
_brightnessSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
_contrastSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
_minAreaSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
// Get going!
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
private function applyFilters() : void
_blurLabel.text = "Blur: " + Math.round(_blurSlider.value);
_brightnessLabel.text = "Brightness: " + Math.round(_brightnessSlider.value);
_contrastLabel.text = "Contrast: " + Math.round(_contrastSlider.value);
_minAreaLabel.text = "Min Area: " + Math.round(_minAreaSlider.value);
_source.filters = [new ColorMatrixFilter(_matrix)];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
private function onAddedToStage(event : Event) : void
private function onEnterFrameHandler(event : Event) : void
// Tell the MotionTracker to update itself
// Move the target with some easing
_target.x += ((_motionTracker.x + _bounds.x) - _target.x) / 10;
_target.y += ((_motionTracker.y + _bounds.y) - _target.y) / 10;
// If there is enough movement (see the MotionTracker's minArea property) then continue
if ( !_motionTracker.hasMovement ) return;
// Draw the motion bounds so we can see what the MotionTracker is doing;, 0xFFFFFF);, _motionTracker.motionArea.y, _motionTracker.motionArea.width, _motionTracker.motionArea.height);
private function onComponentChanged(event : Event) : void
case _blurSlider :
_motionTracker.blur = _blurSlider.value;
case _brightnessSlider :
_motionTracker.brightness = _brightnessSlider.value;
case _contrastSlider :
_motionTracker.contrast = _contrastSlider.value;
case _minAreaSlider :
_motionTracker.minArea = _minAreaSlider.value;
The original tutorial doesn't have any effect displayed on the right side. Below is the original testing:
I've refer to the tutorial that have been given by lecturer and add in a circle and extra code the original code:
_target = new Shape();, 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 10);
addChild(round);;, 0xFFFFFF);, _motionTracker.motionArea.y, _motionTracker.motionArea.width, _motionTracker.motionArea.height);
round.x = _motionTracker.motionArea.x+(_motionTracker.motionArea.width/2);
round.y = _motionTracker.motionArea.y+(_motionTracker.motionArea.height/2);;
The problem now is the circle will move upward and downward according to movement. I've remove the y-axis detection in the code and become like this:;, 0xFFFFFF);, _motionTracker.motionArea.y, _motionTracker.motionArea.width, _motionTracker.motionArea.height);
round.x = _motionTracker.motionArea.x+(_motionTracker.motionArea.width/2);
The circle is now move according to the movement of my hand and it only move in the x-axis and fixed y-axis. Below is the testing:
The circle will be replaced with the color splashing effect which will project on the user's body.
Before that I've get a motion tracking tutorial copy also from lecturer. I want to compare 2 version on the sensitivity in tracking body movement. Below are the original code from the tutorial:
* MotionTrackerDemo
* @version 1.00 | Apr 2, 2008
* @author Justin Windle
* I'm using Grant Skinners fantastic ColorMatrix class:
* And Keith Peters Minimal Components:
import com.bit101.components.Label;
import com.bit101.components.Slider;
import com.gskinner.geom.ColorMatrix;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
* MotionTrackerDemo
[SWF(width="870", height="420", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF", frameRate="31")]
public class MotionTrackerDemo extends Sprite
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
private var _motionTracker : MotionTracker;
private var _target : Shape;
private var _bounds : Shape;
private var _output : Bitmap;
private var _source : Bitmap;
private var _video : BitmapData;
private var _matrix : ColorMatrix;
private var _blurLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _brightnessLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _contrastLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _minAreaLabel : Label = new Label();
private var _blurSlider : Slider = new Slider();
private var _brightnessSlider : Slider = new Slider();
private var _contrastSlider : Slider = new Slider();
private var _minAreaSlider : Slider = new Slider();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
public function MotionTrackerDemo()
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
private function configureUI() : void
_blurSlider.minimum = 0;
_blurSlider.maximum = 40;
_brightnessSlider.minimum = -100;
_brightnessSlider.maximum = 100;
_contrastSlider.minimum = -100;
_contrastSlider.maximum = 200;
_minAreaSlider.minimum = 0;
_minAreaSlider.maximum = 50;
_blurSlider.x = _blurLabel.x = 10;
_blurSlider.y = stage.stageHeight - 20;
_blurLabel.y = _blurSlider.y - 20;
_brightnessSlider.x = _brightnessLabel.x = _blurSlider.x + 110;
_brightnessSlider.y = _blurSlider.y;
_brightnessLabel.y = _brightnessSlider.y - 20;
_contrastSlider.x = _contrastLabel.x = _brightnessSlider.x + 110;
_contrastSlider.y = _blurSlider.y;
_contrastLabel.y = _contrastSlider.y - 20;
_minAreaSlider.x = _minAreaLabel.x = _contrastSlider.x + 110;
_minAreaSlider.y = _blurSlider.y;
_minAreaLabel.y = _minAreaSlider.y - 20;
private function initTracking() : void
var camW : int = 420;
var camH : int = 320;
// Create the camera
var cam : Camera = Camera.getCamera();
cam.setMode(camW, camH, stage.frameRate);
// Create a video
var vid : Video = new Video(camW, camH);
// Create the Motion Tracker
_motionTracker = new MotionTracker(vid);
// We flip the input as we want a mirror image
_motionTracker.flipInput = true;
/*** Create a few things to help us visualise what the MotionTracker is doing... ***/
_matrix = new ColorMatrix();
_matrix.brightness = _motionTracker.brightness;
_matrix.contrast = _motionTracker.contrast;
// Display the camera input with the same filters (minus the blur) as the MotionTracker is using
_video = new BitmapData(camW, camH, false, 0);
_source = new Bitmap(_video);
_source.scaleX = -1;
_source.x = 10 + camW;
_source.y = 10;
_source.filters = [new ColorMatrixFilter(_matrix.toArray())];
// Show the image the MotionTracker is processing and using to track
_output = new Bitmap(_motionTracker.trackingImage);
_output.x = camW + 20;
_output.y = 10;
// A shape to represent the tracking point
_target = new Shape();, 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 10);
// A box to represent the activity area
_bounds = new Shape();
_bounds.x = _output.x;
_bounds.y = _output.y;
// Configure the UI
_blurSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
_brightnessSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
_contrastSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
_minAreaSlider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onComponentChanged);
// Get going!
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler);
private function applyFilters() : void
_blurLabel.text = "Blur: " + Math.round(_blurSlider.value);
_brightnessLabel.text = "Brightness: " + Math.round(_brightnessSlider.value);
_contrastLabel.text = "Contrast: " + Math.round(_contrastSlider.value);
_minAreaLabel.text = "Min Area: " + Math.round(_minAreaSlider.value);
_source.filters = [new ColorMatrixFilter(_matrix)];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
private function onAddedToStage(event : Event) : void
private function onEnterFrameHandler(event : Event) : void
// Tell the MotionTracker to update itself
// Move the target with some easing
_target.x += ((_motionTracker.x + _bounds.x) - _target.x) / 10;
_target.y += ((_motionTracker.y + _bounds.y) - _target.y) / 10;
// If there is enough movement (see the MotionTracker's minArea property) then continue
if ( !_motionTracker.hasMovement ) return;
// Draw the motion bounds so we can see what the MotionTracker is doing;, 0xFFFFFF);, _motionTracker.motionArea.y, _motionTracker.motionArea.width, _motionTracker.motionArea.height);
private function onComponentChanged(event : Event) : void
case _blurSlider :
_motionTracker.blur = _blurSlider.value;
case _brightnessSlider :
_motionTracker.brightness = _brightnessSlider.value;
case _contrastSlider :
_motionTracker.contrast = _contrastSlider.value;
case _minAreaSlider :
_motionTracker.minArea = _minAreaSlider.value;
The original tutorial doesn't have any effect displayed on the right side. Below is the original testing:
I've refer to the tutorial that have been given by lecturer and add in a circle and extra code the original code:
_target = new Shape();, 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 10);
addChild(round);;, 0xFFFFFF);, _motionTracker.motionArea.y, _motionTracker.motionArea.width, _motionTracker.motionArea.height);
round.x = _motionTracker.motionArea.x+(_motionTracker.motionArea.width/2);
round.y = _motionTracker.motionArea.y+(_motionTracker.motionArea.height/2);;
The problem now is the circle will move upward and downward according to movement. I've remove the y-axis detection in the code and become like this:;, 0xFFFFFF);, _motionTracker.motionArea.y, _motionTracker.motionArea.width, _motionTracker.motionArea.height);
round.x = _motionTracker.motionArea.x+(_motionTracker.motionArea.width/2);
The circle is now move according to the movement of my hand and it only move in the x-axis and fixed y-axis. Below is the testing:
The circle will be replaced with the color splashing effect which will project on the user's body.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Materials for Installation
The materials that will be needed in my installation are:
1. Projector (Borrow from lab)
2. Board (Purchase from shop)
3. Arduino and Sensors (Borrow from lecturer)
4. Webcam (Own)
5. Speaker (Own)
6. PC (Own)
1. Projector (Borrow from lab)
2. Board (Purchase from shop)
3. Arduino and Sensors (Borrow from lecturer)
4. Webcam (Own)
5. Speaker (Own)
6. PC (Own)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Here are some video I found as my reference for the installation:
This is the Arduino pressure sensor.
This is the clip shows projection of bee video on the human body.
This is the Arduino pressure sensor.
This is the clip shows projection of bee video on the human body.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Story Board
Here is the story board for my installation:
The basic arrangement of my installation. Projector in front of user which will project the effects on the body. Speaker will play the music.
When user steps on the board, drum sound will be played.
At the same time, color splashing effect will be displayed on the shirt of user.
The basic arrangement of my installation. Projector in front of user which will project the effects on the body. Speaker will play the music.
When user steps on the board, drum sound will be played.
At the same time, color splashing effect will be displayed on the shirt of user.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Finalized Proposal
Research Topic:
Drum, Music and Art
Drum, music and art are the ways of releasing stress. There are many therapy nowadays to help people release their tension on work, study or many more.
Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. From the shamans of Mongolia to the Minianka healers of West Africa, therapeutic rhythm techniques have been used for thousands of years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Current research is now verifying the therapeutic effects of ancient rhythm techniques. Recent research reviews indicate that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self.
Problem Identification:
There are so many kind of ways to release stress and this is a experimental project to test by combining different kind of therapy is it help to boost the effect of release stress or vice versa.
Aim and Objective:
An experimental installation to test on the effect of different therapy in release stress by combining them.
Stress are everywhere in this busy world. I'm motivated by the increase of the suicide and mental health cases recently while the world is developing fast as time goes on. I hope that it can provide a efficient way for people to release their tension and stress.
Ideation and Concept:
The user will be step on a board. The projector will project the effects on the user's shirt when user step on the board. While user step the board, the drum sound will be played as well. The board will be attached with the pressure sensor which will detect the pressure as user steps on it. The installation will be looked like user is playing the drum with their legs. By combining them the scene will look like a stage and hence helps to release our stress.
Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies:
Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Stress, according to current medical research, contributes to nearly all disease and is a primary cause of such life-threatening illnesses as heart attacks, strokes, and immune system breakdowns. A recent study found that a program of group drumming helped reduce stress and employee turnover in the long-term care industry and might help other high-stress occupations as well.
Art therapy is a form of therapeutic practice which uses art in order to deal with emotions and issues. It is a therapy which empowers the user through the use of art and creativity.
Many experts suggest that it is the rhythm of the music or the beat that has the calming effect on us although we may not be very conscious about it. They point out that when we were a baby in our mother's womb, we probably were influenced by the heart beat of our mother. We respond to the soothing music at later stages in life, perhaps associating it with the safe, relaxing, protective environment provided by our mother.
Design Approach:
The scene will be look like a little stage for user to express their feeling and release tension. User will step on the board and projector in front which will project the effects on the shirt. User can feel when the color is look like splashing on their own body.
Drum, Music and Art
Drum, music and art are the ways of releasing stress. There are many therapy nowadays to help people release their tension on work, study or many more.
Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. From the shamans of Mongolia to the Minianka healers of West Africa, therapeutic rhythm techniques have been used for thousands of years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Current research is now verifying the therapeutic effects of ancient rhythm techniques. Recent research reviews indicate that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self.
Problem Identification:
There are so many kind of ways to release stress and this is a experimental project to test by combining different kind of therapy is it help to boost the effect of release stress or vice versa.
Aim and Objective:
An experimental installation to test on the effect of different therapy in release stress by combining them.
Stress are everywhere in this busy world. I'm motivated by the increase of the suicide and mental health cases recently while the world is developing fast as time goes on. I hope that it can provide a efficient way for people to release their tension and stress.
Ideation and Concept:
The user will be step on a board. The projector will project the effects on the user's shirt when user step on the board. While user step the board, the drum sound will be played as well. The board will be attached with the pressure sensor which will detect the pressure as user steps on it. The installation will be looked like user is playing the drum with their legs. By combining them the scene will look like a stage and hence helps to release our stress.
Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies:
Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Stress, according to current medical research, contributes to nearly all disease and is a primary cause of such life-threatening illnesses as heart attacks, strokes, and immune system breakdowns. A recent study found that a program of group drumming helped reduce stress and employee turnover in the long-term care industry and might help other high-stress occupations as well.
Art therapy is a form of therapeutic practice which uses art in order to deal with emotions and issues. It is a therapy which empowers the user through the use of art and creativity.
Many experts suggest that it is the rhythm of the music or the beat that has the calming effect on us although we may not be very conscious about it. They point out that when we were a baby in our mother's womb, we probably were influenced by the heart beat of our mother. We respond to the soothing music at later stages in life, perhaps associating it with the safe, relaxing, protective environment provided by our mother.
Design Approach:
The scene will be look like a little stage for user to express their feeling and release tension. User will step on the board and projector in front which will project the effects on the shirt. User can feel when the color is look like splashing on their own body.
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